We apply our global audit methodology through an integrated set of software tools known as the Voyager suite.

The suite includes:

Voyager: a tool for assisting audit teams in the identification of financial statement risks and linkage to the processes and internal controls established to address those risks. Voyager also assists audit teams in documenting, evaluating and testing internal controls and designing an appropriate substantive response.

TBeam: a trial balance and workpaper generation tool that is fully integrated with Voyager, allowing audit teams to automatically update lead sheets for changes to the trial balance, perform analytical procedures, evaluate misstatements and create standard and custom workpapers.

Voyager Information System (VIS) Tracking: an application that provides member firms with the ability to view information about their assurance clients contained in Voyager files; manage and monitor concurring review policies; control and monitor the archiving process for annual and interim periods; and control the storage and protection of archived Voyager files. 

Client acceptance: an application that enforces policies and procedures that each member firm must adopt to accept a new assurance engagement.

Consultation: an application that enables member firm audit teams to document consultations with firm specialists on accounting, ethical and auditing matters.

Our audit teams also use a data extraction and analysis tool, IDEA, to analyse large amounts of financial data and generate confirmations. Using IDEA, we access this data in a matter of seconds.

Learn more about our global audit technology in our latest Transparency Report [ 4524 kb ]